Tuesday 10 May 2016

Brand Identity-Trend Board

Trend Board Evaluation:

My trend board is bright and colourful and reflects the theme for my final major project. The colour palette consists of pink, orange, purple, plum and black. My theme focuses on the shape and silhouettes of windows with the patterns and colour of stained glass windows. My designs have intricate detailing and patterns but aren't too busy.   

Windows Trend board Inspiration:

AW 2017-18 pattern trend: STAINED GLASS:

Brand Identity.

Previously in this blog I researched about the brand 'Heinz.' Through my research I discovered that they have a huge brand identity through their logo. Mostly everyone recognises the Heinz logo as it is so well known and a popular brand nowadays. When advertising, Heinz don't need a really informative poster or advert, as long as they have their famous brand logo, then they know people will understand that it's their advert. Having a brand identity is key for big businesses. It means that they can have minimal advertising as long as they have a known logo, slogan or image that is used for their business a lot. 
High end designer shops like Chanel and Louboutin all have brand identities that are very different but work in the same way. Chanel have their famous linking 'CC' logo which is added to every bag so that clients know they are getting a legitimate bag from their brand. Having a logo or brand identity on garments or accessories is an easy way to promote a brand too. If a women walks around London all day with a Chanel bag it will draw a lot of attention and the logo on the bag will let everyone know that it is Chanel. Meaning that Chanel are getting the brand seen, without intending to do it. Word of mouth advertising is the biggest success as people always look to their friends and family for advise as they know that it is true and realistic. Louboutin also have a similar idea with their brand identity. The famous red sole on all Louboutin shoes is probably the most famous shoe identity. As Louboutins are very expensive shoes, when a person buys them they want people to know that they are that brand. Like Chanel, Louboutin shoes advertise every time someone wears them as they are so known for the red sole, that everyone who sees them knows straight away the. 

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