Tuesday 19 April 2016

What is a Trend Journal?

What is a trend journal?

A trend journal is a source of information about the most important and new trends that will be shaping the future.

Trend Predictions for SS/17-18


What information is in a trend journal?

A trend journal includes:
* Colour palette
*Fabric Swatches
*Inspiration images
*Written information
*Designer information
*Theme images 
*Prints and patterns

Trend Companies?

Pattern to plan
Fashion Trendsetter
Fashion capital

A day in the life of a trend predictor.

Typical Duties:
Use of subscription based services to help predict trends
Research cultural, economic, world trade and celebrity style trends
Use creativity to come up with new ideas
Maintain and expand relationships with contacts in the industry
Keep track of competition if working in a fashion house
Present research to the designer
Provide operational and creative support to designers

Skills and Interests:
  • Show a keen interest in past and current fashion trends
  • Have a thorough knowledge of the fashion industry
  • Have good networking and communicational skills
  • Be imaginative and creative
  • Have the right I.T skills
  • Be willing to do extensive research

Trend forecasters are paid by companies, clients, designers. Anyone who they work for will pay them for doing the vital part of researching for a trend. 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Fashion & Trend Forecasting

Fashion Forecasting.

Collaborative Trend Forecast Mood Boards, Women's Spring 2017 Preview






What is a Trend Prediction?

Trend prediction is a career that focuses on the upcoming 

fashion trends and styles. They help to choose the final 

colours, fabrics, textures, materials and prints. These will be 

finalised by designers and presented on a catwalk show for 

upcoming seasons.

Difference between Fashion Forecasting and Trend Forecasting?

A fashion forecaster looks into predicting the colours, fabrics, textures, materials, prints and trims that will be popular for the upcoming seasons. This is vital information as it is needed to create the final looks and style for a catwalk show. 

A trend forecaster looks into predicting the shapes, cuts, styles and silhouettes of clothing. This is needed to create the overall look of the garments worn on the catwalk. 

What is long-term and short-term forecasting?

The process of long-term forecasting is analyzing and evaluating style. The trends can be identified by scanning a range of sources for the information that is needed. 

Short-term forecasting is about events that are happening now, in present time. It focuses on identifying what's going on in the world and then communicates this through seasonal colour palettes, fabrics and silhouettes  to a client or customer. 

Politics, Social, Ecological, Legal, Technological.

Working in a group we wrote down the key factors under politics, social, ecological, legal and technological. We looked at how these can effect fashion and what has happened lately or in the past to do with these factors. 

Global Warming and Climate Change

Making Climate Change Fashionable 
In Paris, climate change was the talk of the city. Lots of  industry's, other than energy production, are important sources of greenhouse gas emissions – agriculture, iron and metal smelting, cement production, waste treatment and…the fashion industry.
Fashion has been blamed for releasing carbon emissions and creating a bad climate in the atmosphere.
The fashion industry accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions and remains the second largest industrial polluter, second only to oil.
This isn't that surprising since it’s a £4 trillion global industry. The apparel market in the United States tops the world, contributing close to a third of the global total.
Wool, linen, old-fashioned denim and hand-tooled leather make these outfits hundreds of times more eco-friendly than ordinary cotton and polyester. Source: Zady
Some well known fashionistas are looking seriously at the industry’s role in environmental pollution and climate change. Zady is one of these new sustainable fashion brands and is a leading voice of the slow fashion movement that has created online resources for consumers to learn how their clothing decisions can have a large impact on the environment.
And they present some amazing facts:
-  Nearly 70 million barrels of oil are used each year to make the world’s polyester fiber, which is now the most commonly used fiber in our clothing. But it takes more than 200 years to decompose.
- More than 150 billion garments are produced annually, enough to provide 20 new garments to every person on the planet, every year.
- Americans throw away about 70 lbs of clothing per person every year.

My Views:

As a fashion student I am very interested in the fashion industry and how clothes are produced, promoted, and sold to customers and clients. I am also very into the environment and keeping things green and a healthier world to live in. I personally understand that because the fashion industry is so popular and is a necessity for day-to-day life that it is inevitable that it will create pollution and unhealthy emissions. Saying this i believe that there are ways in which the industry can cut down on the amounts of carbon emissions and pollution being emitted into the air. 
To do this I think we need to make more people aware of the problem. When we think of pollution, we envision coal power-plants, raw sewage piped into out waterways and strip-mined mountaintops. Most people don't understand or have the knowledge that in fact, the clothes we wear everyday impact the climate and environment more and more everyday. 
I personally believe that if people were more aware of how garments are made and produce emissions that are ruining the world, they would be more interested in learning about what clothes produce less harm to the environment. This way the companies that manufacture clothes that produce a lot of harm would go down in business as more people would be opting for the healthier production of clothes to the environment meaning that in the long run, wither the companies would opt for a lower emission production service or would ultimately end up closing down. 

Trickle Up, Trickle Down and Trickle Across.

Trickle Up:

The theory of 'Trickle-Up fashion' is when a style or trend that is started and worn by a lower income group of people. These everyday people make the trend popular and the specific style is copied by catwalk fashion that is more high end. 

Trickle Down:

The theory of 'Trickle-Down fashion' is the opposite of trickle up. High end designers produce trends and styles that become very popular and worn a lot. High street stores then use the designs as inspiration for their own designs. 

Trickle Across:
The theory of 'Trickle-Across fashion' is when a shop is able to appeal to a large variety of people with different price ranges and styles. It does this while still being produced on a mass basis. It suits a wide range of peoples budgets and style and appeals to lots of customers. The stores normally split into different sections where they have high street at one side and high end at the other so the customers can go over and look through the section that suits them the best.